Plants that are Dangerous for Pets
Holy cow. We didn't realize that so many of the plants in our house and our yard (and our neighbors' yards) were toxic for our dog! I mean, we aren't that worried...she doesn't make it a habit of eating everything in sight, but this information is good to have on hand. What do we have in our house and our yard is toxic for our pooch? Here's the list:
Sago Palm - toxic if eaten, especially the seeds
Jade Plant - toxic if eaten
Amaryllis - toxic if eaten, bulbs are more toxic than foowers or leaves
Aloe Vera - toxic if eaten
Weeping Fig - mild toxicity if eaten
Philodendron - Leaves are toxic if eaten
Begonia - toxic if eaten
ZZ Plant - toxic if eaten
Calla Lilly - toxic if eaten
Kalanchoe - poisonous if eaten
Dumb Cane - toxic if eaten
Snake Plant - poisonous if eaten
Azalea and Rhododendron - toxic if eaten
Spring bulbs (daffodils, hyacinths, tulips, and iris) - all toxic, in varying levels
Lily - all harmful, especially if the bulbs are ingested
Elephant's ear - poisonous if eaten
Chrysanthemum - poisonous if eaten
English Ivy - poisonous if eaten
Lantana - poisonous if eaten
Zonal Geranium - toxic if eaten
Hellebore - toxic if eaten
Hydrangea - toxic if eaten
Daylily - mildly toxic if eaten
Foxglove - highly poisonous if eaten
After looking at this list, we realized that we have have 18 of the 24 plants within reach of our dog. Fortunately, she has no interest in any of them. Unfortunately, because she is young, we often find ourselves shouting, "WHAT ARE YOU EATING?!" Typical for owners of puppies or any rescue under 3 years old.
With this knowledge, we are changing out our garden as soon as possible for plants that are edible for humans and animals. We have planted boysenberry, grapes, squash, tomato, eggplant, fava beans, and nasturtiums. Not only are we happy that we are keeping our beautiful pet safe, but we will be feeding ourselves with the new plants. Next year, we will be growing ground cherry, lettuce, mint, potato, radish, and parsley.
Wish us luck!