Our Rolodex of Home Services
Here's a peek into our personal Rolodex of amazing people who help us maintain our own homes. We love each and every one of these talented individuals. We try to use small businesses because we love keeping it local and we support entrepreneurs who have experience and passion for what they do. There are more incredible people in our area, no denying, but we wanted to share a few of our contacts with you.
House Painting LA, Carl Tillmanns http://housepaintingla.com/ (323) 547-5431 carl@housepaintingla.com
Efrain “Jimmy” Lemus (323) 819-6661
George Is My Plumber, George Garcia https://georgeismyplumber.com (818) 269-5932 georgeismyplumber@gmail.com
Intellectric http://www.intelectric.net/index.html (310) 838-5486
Live Wire Electric LA, Yaakov Avitan, https://www.livewireelectricla.com/ (424) 371-3489
Landscape Design:
Outside InStyle, Katrina Coombs https://outsideinstyle.net (844) 806-6500 An expert designer in sustainable and low-maintenance gardens that need little water.
Deephouse Landscaping, Daniel Deephouse https://deephouselandscaping.com (646) 415-4802 Everything green, plus can work with you on bonsai, and planting a vegetable garden.
ARLA Design, Denny Han deyhan@gmail.com https://arla.design/ (626) 322-5464 Our go-to guy for pools and fire pits.
Landscape/Lawn Maintenance:
Robert Haro (818) 635-0674
Jose Ramirez (424) 789-2810
Sprinkler Repair:
Javier Peres http://sprinklerrepair1.com/ (310) 634-5059 peresjav@yahoo.com
Maid Service:
Elsa Ceaser (Liz) https://nextdoor.com/pages/elsa-ceaser-los-angeles-ca-1/ (310) 922-3002
3 Maids: http://3maids.com/ (310) 399-2778
Personal Chef:
Heidi Weisman https://www.heidiweismancooks.com/ (323) 868-3905
Harold Catering, Chef Danny Harold https://haroldcatering.com/ (310) 205-3914 info@haroldcatering.com
Mollie B’s (310)920-1510
Mobile Dog Grooming:
Lucy's Mobile Grooming (310) 622-3850 lucysmobilegrooming@gmail.com
Dog Sitting:
Melissande Colton (310) 558-8255
Audio/Visual/Security Cameras:
Elie Braun (805) 340-9943
Senior Living Options:
Heartlight Residential Solutions, Stacy Brooks (310) 990-0924
Estate Sales:
Susan Avolio, TLC Estate Services (310) 463-6780
Phil Vigil (310) 925-0189 vigilphil67@gmail.com
Dany Fuentes (424) 603-9873 cifuentescarreto@gmail.com
General Contractor/Construction:
Destiny Construction https://generalcontractorsocal.com/
A1 Construction and Design Inc., Ronnie Friedman (310) 350-3583
Best Builders (818) 987-7766
Hardwood Flooring:
Sampson Hardwood Floors (310) 837-6655
Interior Designer:
Daniele Turiace https://blackdesigngroup.com/
Tree Service:
Timberland Tree Company, Tim & Mike https://www.timberlandtreecompany.com/ (310) 641-8733
Ecoshield Pest Solutions https://www.ecoshieldpest.com/locations/north-los-angeles-ca/ (888) 744-1284
Bee Removal:
Bee Catchers https://beecatcherssocal.com/ Toll Free: 866-544-0074 Local: 818-448-2149 beecatchers@gmail.com
Awesome Bees https://www.awesomebees.com/ Toll Free: (888) 269-3226 Local: (323) 753-7265
If you need a great home inspector or a chimney inspector, whether you are looking to inspect a new house or just getting your home’s annual check-up, we have 7 fantastic inspectors you can call. Call us to get a recommendation in your area.