Virtual Tours & Virtual Tourism
Ugh. Los Angeles is in lockdown again. In order to keep everyone safe and beat this wicked virus, we have to stay home. We're all for it. We'll stick to the house, keep a 6-foot social distance and wear masks when we absolutely have to go out, and use virtual tours to show you our clients’ properties.
Speaking of virtual tours, we have some new recommendations apart from Real Estate. We've been having a bit of wanderlust and it's hurting our hearts a bit, to be perfectly honest. In light of the fact that travel is downright dangerous, we've been checking in as a virtual tourist, and Google Maps is serious about immersing you in the locations. Start here:
Climb El Capitan: Google Yosemite Trek
Explore Petra: Google Petra Trek
Check out Angkor Wat: Google Angkor Wat Trek
Australia’s Great Barrier Reef: Google Great Barrier Reef Dive
There are many treks to explore and they’re all different because they are all made by different creators, which is a really great way to see the world through different people’s eyes. (Disclaimer: This article took a lot longer to write because we had to "explore" every location. The kids might have learned something, too.)
And virtual tourism is not just locations! You can explore museums, space, concerts, and so much more at Google's Arts and Culture page: Go explore, or pick something interesting from their library at
The hot trend in lockdown: Window-Swap. You get to look out of someone else’s window in another part of the world. Check it out: It is super-fun and super-random, so go check it out. Today, I looked out of a living room window in Amsterdam, NL; out of an airplane window in Fairbanks, AK; a skylight in Bielefeld, Germany; and out of a condo window in Dubai, UAE.
When the pandemic is over, we will undoubtedly keep serving up virtual tours of the properties we list. And honestly, we will probably keep exploring our world via Google, because their virtual tourism game is strong. Safe travels!